I'm talking about gluten.... have you been diagnosed, or only believe you are gluten-sensitive after a lot of trial and error? Either way, there is a great opportunity coming right up that will help you get healthy.
I've been ranting about the value of The Gluten Summit here lately, the 30 hour course I took at the end of last year in which I learned sooooo much about my own family's struggles with gluten intolerance. Alas, the Summit is over and done with (though the speakers' lectures, all 29 of them, are still available for purchase by going here), but the organizer, Dr. Tom O'Bryan of thedr.com, has now put together a much shorter (90-minute), FREE recap for patients as well as practitioners. Here's the scoop:
"Now That You Know, Where Do You Go?” is a 90-minute webinar that will guide you though a conversation with your healthcare professional, identifying answers to such questions as:
DATES: January 30, 10:00 A.M. U.S. EST
- February 2, midnight U.S. EST
LENGTH: 90-minute audio with video
I've been ranting about the value of The Gluten Summit here lately, the 30 hour course I took at the end of last year in which I learned sooooo much about my own family's struggles with gluten intolerance. Alas, the Summit is over and done with (though the speakers' lectures, all 29 of them, are still available for purchase by going here), but the organizer, Dr. Tom O'Bryan of thedr.com, has now put together a much shorter (90-minute), FREE recap for patients as well as practitioners. Here's the scoop:
"Now That You Know, Where Do You Go?” is a 90-minute webinar that will guide you though a conversation with your healthcare professional, identifying answers to such questions as:
- What tests should I take to see if I have a disorder?
- Could it be gluten? Or dairy? Or another food triggering symptoms?
- How do I order tests? What if I’m outside of the U.S.?
- When should I take the tests?
- How do I interpret the results?
- What if my results come back positive for a gluten-related disorder?
- Do I really need to take nutrition? If so, for how long?
DATES: January 30, 10:00 A.M. U.S. EST
- February 2, midnight U.S. EST
LENGTH: 90-minute audio with video